About Us

Blue Chip Inc. offers risk-reduced financially attractive opportunities in emerging & niche markets, focusing mainly on Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Blue Chip Inc. has been established as an investment and development company; with its own funds to invest & develop projects, BCI is offering its selective partners a doorway to achieving high value returns from “hand-picked” prospects.

BCI is keen on building a diversified portfolio with a long-term focus in developments, energy & upcoming technologies.


Mansour Esreb

MHD Mansour Esreb is a Syrian Lebanese entrepreneur with a decade long experience working for Schlumberger, a global leader in the Oil & Gas field service sector.
Mansour heads his private family’s estate since 2014, selecting and managing investments in banking portfolios, private equity, and real estate among others.
He started his career in 2006 as a field engineer with Schlumberger and worked his way up to become a multi division Marketing & Sales Middle Eastern GeoMarket Manager with a focus on the development and launch of well intervention, measurement & logging technologies in the GCC.
He is currently focused on offering selected Oil & Gas upstream technology companies: business development services for the introduction & development of their technologies in the Middle Eastern market.

Nizar Halabi

is a Canadian-Lebanese entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in leading multinational contracting & development businesses in emerging markets around the Middle East and Asia; amongst his ventures the setup of several plants in Iraq, the construction of the U.S Air Base in Kyrgyzstan and the launch and management of Advanced Vision Co in Qatar. Nizar is also the owner of prime education and travel & tourism entities in the Middle East region.
His profound experience coupled with his international exposure and managerial skills plays a significant role in building the portfolio of Blue Chip Inc.


Blue Chip Inc.’s mission is to provide investors with unparalleled highly lucrative and risk reduced investment opportunities and a commitment to long-lasting and reliable relationships with clients.


Blue Chip Inc. seeks to identify and seize unique market opportunities in the Middle Eastern, European and Asian markets by developing, owning and managing investments while yielding highest returns to partner investors.

Contact Us

Let’s make something awesome together!!!

Drop us an email at info@bluechipid.com